Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 4/30/23

Year: 2023

Our journal “MEYAD ACADEMY” is a peer-reviewed scientific electronic journal published twice a year by our Mobbing Education Assistance and Research Association (MEYAD). Thanks to “MEYAD ACADEMY”, we aim to produce scientifically-based rational solutions and workforce policies that will bring safe, peaceful and contemporary standards to workplace environments in working life.

In addition to having an academic quality, the studies are expected to make new and original contributions to the discussions in business life. It is also aimed to contribute to the formation of an accumulation that will benefit the people/institutions working in the field in Turkey. In this context, we invite esteemed researchers to contribute to our peer-reviewed journal with their original studies. You can submit all kinds of articles about working life that you want to be published in MEYAD ACADEMY via https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/meyadakademi. No fee is charged for the studies published in our journal.

Subject Areas of the Journal

Family Studies
Behavioral sciences
Educational Research
Public relations
Women's Studies
Public administration
Health Policies and Services
Social Work

Suggested Topics

Labor Law
Working economy
Sociology of Work
Communication in Working Life
Occupational Health and Safety
Politics and Work Life Relationships
Employee and Employer Relations
Employment and Labor Market
The Relationship between Politics and Income Distribution
Social Security Theories and Models
Working Life Wage Policies and Efficiency
Public Administration and Public Personnel Management

The publication language of the journal is Turkish. However, articles written in widely used languages ​​are also accepted. These articles are used in their original form or translated into Turkish.
Articles must not have been previously published or accepted for publication anywhere.
Researchers should prepare their articles on the specified topics, in an academic style and in an original way, in accordance with the format requirements stated below.
If the research subject article and article is supported by any institution or produced from the thesis, this should be stated in the submitted article.

The articles published in the journal should not have been published in any media before and should be published for the first time in the Journal of Mobbing Education Assistance Research Association MEYAD Academy. Papers that have been previously presented at a scientific meeting can be accepted provided that it is stated.
Studies requested to be published in the journal will be sent via https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/meyadakademi address.
The intellectual responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the authors. All publishing rights of the texts accepted for publication, including the full text in physical and electronic media, belong to the Mobbing Education Assistance Research Association MEYAD Academy Journal.
The rights of the drawings, photographs and visual materials used also belong to the Mobbing Education Assistance Research Association MEYAD Academy Magazine and, on a contractual basis, its illustrators and photographers.



It should be short, clear and adequately reflecting the content of the article, it should be 14 points, the Bookman Old Style should be used, it should be written in capital letters and bold, and should not exceed fifteen words.

Author Name(s) and Address(es)

Author information should not be included in the submitted article. During the submission of the article, a single-page word file containing the author's information should be uploaded, the author's name(s) and the title of the article should be justified to the right, the surname should be written in all capital letters, 12 font size, and Bookman Old Style should be used.

The author, author's address(es), title, institution, e-mail address and ORCID number should be stated just below. This part should be 9 points, Bookman Old Style should be used. Considering the examples of articles published in previous issues, details such as author order, responsible author * and footnotes should be similarly defined in this file.

Abstract and Keywords

The Turkish abstract should reflect the purpose, scope and results of the study, and allow the reader to determine the content of the article in a short time and with precision. The abstract should be a minimum of 50 words and a maximum of two paragraphs. Turkish keywords consisting of at least 3 and at most 5 words should be written under one line of the abstract. English translations of the abstract, title and keywords should also be included. Care should be taken that there are no language mistakes in English abstracts.

Main Text

Articles should be written using the Microsoft Word software program, not exceeding 30 pages, excluding the bibliography. The page layout should be in A4 size, margins should be 2.5 cm from the right, left, top and bottom, with 1.5 line spacing, aligned on both sides and the space between paragraphs, before and after 3 pt, and the page number should be given. Bookman Old Style font should be used in the article, hyphenation should not be used at the end of the line. The main heading number and the first paragraph should be aligned. Instead of the “TAB” key at the beginning of the paragraph, the “ENTER” or “RETURN” key should be used. Punctuation marks should be written adjacent to the words before them. A one-letter space should be left after the aforementioned signs.

The work must comply with the grammar rules. The article should be based on the latest TDK Spelling Guide, a clear and simple way of expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the purpose and scope should not be included. In the preparation of the article, valid scientific methods should be followed, the subject, purpose, scope of the study, the reason for its preparation, etc. information should be given in sufficient quantity and in a certain order.

An article should contain a summary, parts of the main text, a bibliography and (if any) appendices. “Introduction” and “Conclusion” sections must be present. The “result” should be appropriate to the purpose and scope of the research; should be outlined and summarized. Matters that are not mentioned in the text should not be included in the "Conclusion" section. Main, intermediate and sub-headings can be used to provide a certain order.

Main title: All capital letters should be written in bold. The main heading number and the first paragraph should be aligned.

Subheadings: The first letter of each word should be capitalized, all in bold. The subheading number should be aligned with the first paragraph.

Sub-headings: The first letter of the first word of the title should be capitalized, the first letter of the next word(s) should be written in lowercase, all in bold, and the article should be continued on the same line by placing a colon (overlapping) at the end of the title. The subheading number should be aligned with the first paragraph.

Figures, tables and photographs: Figures, tables and photographs should not go beyond the writing area, and if necessary, each should be placed on a separate page. Figures and tables should be numbered and named according to their content. Only the first letters of the words should be written in capital letters so that the numbers and titles are below the figures and above the tables. Tables must be made with the table command in the "WORD" program. In obligatory cases, "EXCEL" tables can be used. Where necessary, explanatory footnotes or abbreviations should be given just below the figures and tables. Figures, tables and illustrations should not exceed ten pages.

Quotations: One-to-one quotations in the article should be given in quotation marks, and the source should be indicated in parentheses at the end of the quotation in accordance with the Vancouver style. Quotations less than five lines should be italicized between sentences, and quotations longer than five lines should be italicized within 1 cm from the left and right of the page. References should only be cited in parentheses at the end of non-literal citations.

The evaluation process will not be started for applications that do not comply with the writing and submission rules. For this purpose, authors should carefully read the journal writing rules. The articles that cannot be accepted will be published as a column on the website of the MEYAD association, provided that the responsible author gives permission.


The source writing style of our journal is “Vancouver style”. However, if you use the Endnote program, unlike the Vancouver style, the magazine names are written long. In the Vancouver style, the magazine names are abbreviated. For this, special attention should be paid to the Vancouver writing style as part of the spelling rules. It should be 10 points, Bookman Old Style should be used.

When using bibliography, it is recommended to use Endnote, Zotero or Mendeley programs.

After all the checks on your article are completed, check your article by going through the iThenticate (plagiarism system) program and send us the iThenticate report with your article. All universities are members of the iThenticate program and you can go to your university's library documentation and get a username and password and use this program for free.

The authors of the work accepted for publication in the journal must fill in the Copyright Transfer Form and submit it after signing it.

No fee is charged for the studies published in our journal.

First of all, the articles should be prepared in accordance with the scientific qualification criteria.
It is important to reflect the opinions of the institutions operating according to the subject of the articles prepared objectively.
The journal is a peer-reviewed journal published every 6 months in "April" and "October". The responsibility of the published articles belongs to the author. All rights of the articles belong to the journal.
Institutional distribution was taken into consideration in the Editorial and Advisory Boards. The editorial board consists of people working in different institutions.
For the evaluated articles, referees are appointed from different institutions, and the principles of impartiality and diversity are taken into consideration.
In the articles published in our journal, attention is paid to the diversity of institutions and authors.

Within the framework of ethical rules;
Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for studies conducted and for studies on clinical and experimental humans and animals that require an ethical committee decision, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
Articles should include a statement about compliance with Research and Publication Ethics.
Ethical principles should be stated under a separate heading in the journal and/or web page by referring to national and international standards. For example; In scientific articles sent to journals, the recommendations of the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) should be taken into account.
In studies that require ethics committee permission, information about the permission (name of the committee, date and number) should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article. In case reports, it is necessary to include information that the informed consent/consent form was signed in the article.
It is necessary to comply with the copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic works used.

No fee is charged for the studies published in our journal.